Off to a thankful start
As we begin our first of hopefully many blog entries to come, we want to start by thanking some of the individuals and companies who have helped the Nozomi Project get off to such a great start.
CJD&CE (Chief Jewelry Designer & Consultant Extraordinaire): Lisa Nakkim. Our meeting in August was a divine thing; each one of her jewelry designs have continued in that nature. She and wonderful friend Rebecca Hanford came in September and brought life to our dreams by teaching our curious but beginning staff how to make each line. Thanks to you two, we have been going strong ever since. Lisa also continues to consult and provides all of our supply ordering for us. Thank you!
Asher Freeman was
our first jewelry designer who came and lent his expertise and
encouragement. Waiting for you to come
Web Design: Sandra McCormack – A volunteer here with us in Ishinomaki three times, she has given of her time and amazing abilities many times over in our website design, ongoing web maintenance, and logo design. Thanks for sharing your talents to make this web site a reality.
Team Expansion – has taken on the Nozomi Project as our non-profit sponsor in the U.S. and made our current donation/gift system possible. Thank you for your flexibility and being willing to try new things with so much joy (and speed). Asian Access has helped with receipting gifts on the US side as well.
Thanks to the volunteers over the past six months who have tirelessly gathered, washed, and organized the broken shards from across Ishinomaki. We could never have started or continued this project without those pieces – and could never have paid enough for all the hours that have gone into this.
Several companies have helped us start through generous donations, discounts, and sponsorships. Thanks to Samaritan’s Purse and International Disaster Emergency Services for grants to help us get started, to several individual gifts from friends who believe in what God is doing here (Larry, Mona & John, John & Judy, Susan, Yuko K.); our friends at Knotty Boards for the wonderful gift of boards that we use daily to make our jewelry; Bob and the folks at Aanraku Glass Studios for the special discounts and free shipping (couldn’t make our jewelry without your bails!)… Britt at for the great PR.
During the first few months, there were various friends/groups who gave of their time, experience and skills to help guide our process and/or help us begin sales: David Lin, Anne Peterson, Jonathan Kohl, the Go Hawaii teams, Ryan Manieri, Lilly Tokuyama, Shelly Harary, Rolling Hills Covenant Church, MaryJo Wilson, Joe Handley, Kashiwa-san, Megumi Sasaki, Heavenly Treasures, Ruth Harimoto, Anda Foxwell, Kelly Chase, Mt. Laurel Evangelical Free Church, Cathy Swanson, Kris Weigel, Allison Norton, Beth White, Jonathan Autman and Sanda Chapel. You are awesome!
Many others have given good advice, great enthusiasm and shared this story. All of those who have continued to pray for this special project – thank you! We love all you customers who have been among the first to purchase and wear our jewelry.
This whole thing starts – and eventually will end – with God. He gave the vision; He has brought the resources, the staff, the customers, the wisdom step by step. He is making oh! so many beautiful things.