Holding Hope to End Human Trafficking!

Nozomi wishes to thank our wonderful customer base for partnering with us to stop human trafficking! Thanks to your purchases of our Nozomi Holding Hope necklaces, we have donated over $1500 to two organizations in Japan who are tackling this urgent crisis. We love that Zoe International is growing in Japan and working to bring greater awareness to the problems and solution. Lighthouse is one of the most active organizations we have found that is seeking to be a "beacon of hope for survivors of human trafficking and to be their voice."
We are pleased to announce a continued and widening campaign here at Nozomi! We are actively seeking ways to bring hope to trafficked women in other parts of Asia, and will share exciting updates about how we are expanding our vision to bring hope and dignity to women in other dire situations.
During this season of giving, we ask that you consider purchasing these necklaces as gifts for loved ones; gifts that are making a difference.
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